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A College Survival Guide

So you have been accepted into your favourite college where you will study your favourite subject, good for you! You are finally out of that prison you once called school and are now moving up in the world. If you want to keep moving up and excel in your chosen field you must adhere to the college rules. After all, you're adults now.

You are about to embark on a quest of knowledge and survival so strap in, take hold of this guide, because we are going to throw you some survival tips that we have compiled to (ironically) educate you for when you're feeling the pressure of college and life. (Metaphorically of course, this isn't a physical guide)

  1. Finding your way

You have done it, you arrived at your college of choice all excited and ready with your big boy/girl/non binary pants on. You managed to get through your first day unscathed and are ready to take day two like a BOSS but all of a sudden ... BAM... You miss your bus (even though you are on time for it) You finally get to college a little worried but still doing well. you go to the class you think you're going to be in, when out of nowhere... WHACK... there is a different class there instead. You feel embarresed and anxious due to the day not exactly going well and not knowing anything about your class.

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