Whether it's your first day of school or your first day of college, it is a very exciting day. We enter a new place where we will be spending a lot of time and learning to grow and develop. During our first week we meet new people who become our friends, and lectures who guide us throughout the years.
We have explored the college for our course and withoubt a doubt got ourselves lost a few times. So don't be afraid to explore and ask around for help.
Personally, my first week of College was like a new beginning in my life. I am in a new place with new people and doing something I have an interest in, unlike in secondary school, where a lot of subjects are forced upon you which are compulsory.
You'll be suprised how different College is compared to Secondary school.
In your first week you'll be introduced to the College and the course you'll be doing. In addition, you'll get the chance to meet your lectures and start make some new friends right off the bat.
My advice for you on your first week is not to stress and try to talk to as many people as possible. Get involved in any events and when you get a chance, have a look around to get to know the College.