When starting a new chapter in our lives, we tend to get a bit stressed and overwhelmed with every day chores and responsibilities. Your lecturers gave you too much assignments, your exams are approaching and you haven't studied. Time is ticking and your head is fried. We have compiled some stress relief tips to help ease your stress away.
Tip 1: Take a Cold Shower:
It sounds crazy, I know, but would you rather the stress build up, or the cold pircing water roll down your body for a brief moment. There are many benefits from showering in cold water. These include, but are not limited to fat loss, better sleep patterns, increase the strenght of your immune system. Taking a cold shower has shown very positive results in relation to depression, in which the cold increase synaptic release of noradrenaline in the brain.
Tip 2: Practice Meditation and Mindufulness
When people think of meditation they think they have to clear their mind of any thoughts and have nothing but a blank canvas in their minds eye. This couldn't be farther from the truth. Meditation is just bringing attention to your breathing. Your thoughts are still there, you just have to slow your thinking by focusing on breathing. It is imperative that you remain concious of your breathing throughout the day, especially when under stressfull situations.
Tip3: Sleep well, Eat well, Excercise well, Perform well
It goes without saying that sleep is important. infact, it is so important that you must get hours of adequate sleep at night. If you don't, you will start to see a decline in brain functionality and your physical performance decreases. The first thing you need to do in order to de-stress is sleep at least eight hours sleep. This is then followed by a healthy, balanced diet. Your diet is the most important thing in your life. You must get the correct amount of nutrition into your body to function at an optimal level.
In addition, exercise correctly and frequently you will increase your brain and body's performance.
Tip 4: Stop Procrastinating
This one is a biggie. Almost everyone is guilty of procrastinating so it is no wonder why students get so stressed coming up to exams and deadlines. Most of them spend their time looking for ways to procrastinate from doing college work, and in turn, introduces a series of stress inducing Panic/Anxiety attacks which seep in, invading their life and sometimes resulting in dropouts. Most importantly, stay on top of your work! If you get homework, don't put it off, start it straight away and you won't have to stress about it later.
Tip 5: Mental Health Recources
If you are really feeling the pressure and the stress is only getting worse, the college will provide any help you need. whether it is study techniques, help with course work, or just anxiety/ depression taking control over your life The college will be there to provide support for you to excel in your chosen field. There is also a counselling service if you need to vent and get your everyday troubles off your chest. Don't be afraid to ask for help from friends, lecturers, and counsellors. You can even contact us here on this blog and we will do what we can to help you with anything you may need help with.